Planned Giving

Planning a gift to HSBV in your will can save the lives of animals in need and find them loving homes for generations to come!

No matter its size, your contribution helps us meet the increasing needs and more

individualized care services of the ever-changing population of pets in our community. We invite you to invest in our mission and our future by joining the Legacy Partners Program.

We’ve partnered with FreeWill so that you can create your will, name a guardian for your pets, and even create your HSBV legacy — 100% cost-free. In just 20 minutes, you can gain peace of mind in knowing your loved ones are protected.

Have you already included a gift to HSBV in your will? Let us know by filling out this quick form so that we can invite you to join our Legacy Partners Program!

Beneficiary Designations

Remember: Certain assets, such as an IRA, 401(k), and life insurance policy are not included in your will! These are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. Use this online tool to organize your assets and even name HSBV as a beneficiary of one or more!

If you have any questions about legacy giving or FreeWill, please contact Francie Wojcik, Donor Relations Manager, at 303-442-4030 x651 or

Learn more about Companion Care for Life, our Safety Net program to ensure your pets always have a safe and loving home.